
目前顯示的是 2月, 2021的文章

美國關稅case study

美國關稅怎麼查?  2021/2/18客人跟我詢止推滾針軸承NTA1220+2個墊片 客人發現我報價是從大陸出口, 而不是台灣, 說大陸25%進口關稅, 台灣免關稅, 於是我要確定是否真實而來查詢 首先要確定稅則編號:查到的是848250 於是進官網查 https://hts.usitc.gov/search?query=848250 確認A裡沒有台灣, 中國, 連越南也沒有, A通常是落後國家.  中國在301限制清單內, 於是找到 找出中國制裁的清單 再依指示找到 9903.88.01 由此可確定中國為25%的關稅.  台灣為5.8% 越南也是5.8%

Which Bearing Closure Are Best?

How to choose the bearing closures type? Which bearing Closures are the best? It depends on the bearing application and ambient, the enviroment. Hope the below table can help you! Considering point Open Shield(ZZ) Seal(RS) Closure Materia NA Steel Rubber Cotaminate protection No Good Very good Protection from moisture and dirt No Good Very Good Retain lubrication No Good Very Good Impact by speed No No Yes Water proof No Good Very Good Withstand higher temperature Higher Higher Lower Increasing the temperature No No Yes by Jota Bearing